
Surfing the wave of life...

About Me

I am explorer and adventurer. Not sure where to begin with regards to recalling my journey...let's just say it's been FULL! I have no regrets! The cities I've lived, the experiences I've had...I am truly grateful for all of it! After living on the beaches of Maui, Hawaii....the best way to describe my life is like riding a wave. Where ever the wave takes where I am to go. I feel in my entire journey....I've always been supported. My home: "The World"

I love meeting people in general. My instinctive nature is to support others in their visions & their goals. (Sometimes...I have to dig down deep and make sure I'm supporting myself in this way too cause it's easy to forget!) Ah, but I'm a GREAT cheerleader and coach to supporting others to go for what they want in life. I find this wonderfully fulfilling.
Gender Male
Location Los Angeles, CA
Ethnicity Pacific Islander
Interests the beach, the ocean
Music jazz, classical, country, opera, pop, disco, funk
Movies at this stage of my journey, positive and loving
Quotes "Take the risk to get over the fear". "What you think about me is non of my business".


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Registered Dec 28, 2007
Last update Dec 28, 2007


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